Thursday 19 May 2011

The belief of spiritualism

In the introduction of the spirit's book, Allan Kardec expresses his opinion that new
ideas need new terms and so he formulated the words spiritist and spiritism to give a clear
and precise meaning to this doctrine. In his day the word Spiritualist meant the opposite to
Materialist, but it did not follow that a Spiritualist believed in the existence of spirits or the
possibility of communiciation with the invisible world. He employed the word Spiritism to stipulate
the fundamental principle of the Spiritist theory which is the relation of the material world with
spirits or the beings of the invisible world. A Spiritist is one who adheres to this doctrine. We
continue to use these terms today as the ideas they represent become more fully understood.
Amongst those ideas is the study of the interrelationship between the two worlds, visible and
invisible; the scientific, philosophical and religious aspects of existence; the ever pressing need for
man to instruct himself, to cast aside all mystery and superstition; to accept responsibility for the
life he leads today and the life he is making for himself in the future by his present actions, or lack
of them, as the case may be.
As life gathers momentum, as the world goes from crisis to crisis at this time, we are more
and more conscious of the reality of the truths contained in Kardec's books. As the world prepares
for a New Epoch, which is already dawning, we realise the need for all humanity to grow towards
this knowledge, to seek enlightenment so as to be prepared. When this time will finally be upon the world then
mankind will be able to appreciate the greatness of this man's vision into the future.
However, we must not forget one important fact, that in order to meet the future we must
make preparations in our today! Each moment that passes cannot be recovered, therefore we
must make use of every instant to grow spiritually! To open up our horizons, to broaden our
minds, to seek and cultivate our spirituality! We are Spiritual Beings, we are all immortal
creatures! If we are to one day find happiness and peace then we must consider our whole being!
While we go on thinking of ourselves as material people, we are only looking at half of ourselves
and here lies the secret of so many mistakes, so many unhappinesses and so many failures. But in
order to recognise these truths we must also be prepared to accept the responsibilities that go with
them. For every person this wider and deeper knowledge of life carries with it the need for selfanalysis,
self-correction and self- improvement. Without these things we are all standing still,
marking time, going nowhere! If this book helps even one person to take just one step forward then
it will have done its work.
God never demands the impossible of any one of us, nor gives us burdens for which we do
not have the strength; so if we try to make a conscious effort to better ourselves then we have
begun our journey into the future, towards the light, where one day victory, peace and joy will
be ours.

London, 1987 Janet Duncan

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